
Dec 20, 2012

sickymcsicksters love story

We've been MIA from the blogosphere recently due to multiple illnesses. First it was the flu. Then it was the grumps. Turns out the grumps are actually double ear infections in both stuff. While were on the mend let me share our most recent holiday adventure:

Brandon, Nolan & I had the pleasure of attending Coltons class Christmas party on Monday. This is always fun because we get to observe the boy in his natural school habitat. Upon arrival he promptly fell on his face while doing the extremely athletic motion of walking. This was the first indicator that Colton may be the little ladies man. 2 little girls, one twice his height in the only dress up outfit they had that would fit her and the other a teenie little thing with white hair, both rushed to his aid tripping eachother while trying to reach him. He-Man wouldnt accept Big Bertha or Whispies tireless efforts to help him up. This started the trend of the two little girls following him around anywhere he went. Sometimes trailing at a distance, other times getting up close asking him to play or sharing a toy. (He of course was a butt-head to both.) Well turns out Colton prefers older women. While hugging his assistant teacher goodbye he laid a big snotty kiss on her. Pretty sure I heard two little hearts break. Such is life girls...such is life.

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